Disclosing Certain Medical Information on MedXpress
Asked by: Joe Smith 3303 views General Aviation
I need to go in for a second class medical and noticed on the MedXpress form it asks for Medical Visits to health professionals within the last 3 years. I want to make sure I fill it out correctly, but not cause any raised eyebrows for no reason. I visited a cardiologist because I was sweating excessively during some sporting activities, and just wanted to make sure everything was good. I was able to see him through family connections, but he basically laughed at me, told me I was more than fine, and to get out.
So this may cause a string of unecessary questioning and restrictions to my medical, just because I mentioned the word "cardiologist". What would you recommend for a situations like this?
I guess it would be similar to someone going to the doctor for having a cold. Is this what they are looking for, or more of ICU due to chest pains, etc.
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