Cross Country Definitions
Asked by: John Robinson 8264 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
My question is about building cross-country time that will count as x-ctry toward the IFR rating. As a private pilot, if I fly (SEL) from airport A and land at airport B (60nm) in 30 min, I can log 30 min of cross country time. If I fly from A to B (again 60 nm and 30 min) do a 'touch and go' at B, fly to airport C (30 nm, 15 min) do a touch and go at C and then fly back to land at airport A (30 nm, 15 min) - can I log 1 hr of cross country time - even though B to C and C to A is less than 50nm?
If yes, if I do a touch and go at B, then fly to C and stop for gas, and then fly back to land at A, how much x-ctry time can I log now?
I've read the definitions, but they are written so obscurely that I can't answer the above question for myself. Thanks for any help.
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