Proper phraseology when using center as approach / departure?
Asked by: Heather H 5401 views Airspace, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I'm used to towered airports with dedicated approach and departure controllers you contact when inbound to land who then hand you to the tower. (TRSA or class C)
When approaching a class delta with just a tower frequency, if I wanted approach services, what's the proper phraseology for an initial call that says I'm inbound to land?
For a normal approach controller it would be "[Airport] Approach, Cessna 12345, 10 South inbound full stop with Zulu" but I'm not sure if it would just be...
"XYC Center, Cessna 12345, 10 South inbound to [Airport Name] full stop with Zulu" - ?
(Under this example, you wouldn't be under vfr flight following or in contact with ATC beforehand)
Thank you
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