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4 Answers

Power off and on stall in bank for checkride?

Asked by: 12283 views General Aviation

Hello i just recently had a checkride for ppl in which i passed the oral and most of the practical test until the examiner asked me to a power off stall in a bank. I haven't had barely any training on that more like 30 minutes of training on this out of my 50 hours i have accumulated. Would a CFI please tell me how to perform the power off and power on stall in a BANK and the limitations I completely drew a blank on the checkride after passing the power off stall straight ahead because that was all I was trained on was the power off stall and power on stall straight ahead.

Any held would be much appreciated,

I have a review flight this week with my instructor before the rest and she said the exam would consist of only about .5 of flight time to do these two manuevers because I passed everything else :(.

Thank You

Embarressed Student Pilot because my dad and step dad are both commercial pilots with my dad being a military trained pilot

4 Answers

  1. mari on Jan 13, 2013

    Hi! I’m not a cfi, but in my PPL checkride the examiner asked me to do power off stall while banking. I did the same procedures for a power off stall. Power reduction, flaps, start banking (std rate) while bringing throttle to idle and pulling back. Stall recovery? Lower the nose ( no matter if you are banking, the idea is to lower he angle of attack so you can build lift) add power, level wings, and flaps.
    Hope I helped you and hope a cfi answer this so you can have a professional explanation and point of view 😉

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  2. Lucas on Jan 15, 2013

    Hey there
    Most stalls are done from straight and level attitude, but if you check the Private Pilot PTS (Practical Test Standards) on page 57 there is an option to maintain a bank angle +/- 10 degrees and not to exceed 20 degrees. I would recommend initiating a ten degree bank to the right (so that you can use the full +/- 10 degree standard and so that the left turning tendencies help you keep the ball centered). For the rest, the procedure is the same. When the stall occurs bring the airplane back to straight and level with no bank.
    By the way I would not feel as an Embarrassed Student Pilot, that maneuver is very rarely asked to perform during a PPL check ride and if you had never practiced it before it is definitely not your fault and since you passed everything else I would be proud.

    Cheers Lucas

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  3. Lagmanbek on Jan 15, 2013

    The FAA’s “Airplane Flying Handbook” is the CFI’s “Bible”. page 4-8, “Recovery from power-off stalls should also be practiced from shallow banked turns to simulate an inadvertent stall during a turn from base leg to final approach.” Extreme caution is warranted, however, because two things are required for a spin: stall and yaw. You’re practicing very close to the “edge of the envelope” with this maneuver. Give yourself plenty of altitude, and be sure to review how to recover from spins for your airplane before practicing such a maneuver. For most aircraft, the P-A-R-E acronym works, but check your POH.

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  4. Mark Kolber on Jan 17, 2013

    If the second checkride is going to be focused on this maneuver, you can be sure your CFI will, in the pre-checkride lesson, ensure you are doing them correctly.

    But the answer is that it’s exactly the same as doing them straight ahead.

    Hopefully you were taught that the power-off stall is a simulation of a stall while approaching to land and a power-on stall a simulation of a stall during the climb-out from the runway. The only difference here is that the banked power off stall simulates a stall during a turn in the pattern and the banked power-on stall a stall during a turning departure.

    With that in mind, everything except establishing the bank the DPE asks for (set up your descent or climb before setting the bank) and including a roll-out in the recovery, are exactly the same, from beginning to end.

    The reason DPEs will ask for it is the biggest difference is that, as pilots, we generally do a bad job of working the rudders, and remaining coordinated throughout the maneuver is very important.

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