Flight Review with Formation Flight
Asked by: Rodger Carter 3548 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Two very experienced aviators, one of which is a qualified Flight Instructor for a biannual Flight Review, are going to do a formation flight, each in his own aircraft, and accomplish all the flight requirements thereby.
They both are ex-military and very experienced with formation flying.
All aspects of the flight will be thoroughly briefed, and executed.
Radio communication between cockpits will be maintained at all times.
This type of "check" flight is done all the time by the military with single seat aircraft and both pilots have done so.
We both having been flying for over 50 years and each have over 10,000 hours.
By doing this type of Flight Review, it should also keep our senses more involved.
What do you think? Is there any specific clearly stated prohibition from doing this?
Or is it an area that is not spelled out and for qualified pilots would thus be allowed?
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