Circle To Land Procedure
Asked by: Dave 8468 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
Whenever you have to Circle to Land at an uncontrolled airport, you are supposed to make calls like "N12345... Final RWY 23, Circle to Land RWY 30" for example.
Now, depending on how you get to the final of RWY 30, do you always have to use this "Circle" phrase, or can you also just announce where your at in the Traffic pattern, like "Lt/Rt downwind RWY ...., Lt/Rt Base RWY.... or simply what you are going to do?
Even if others expect me to be where they think i am or will be, wouldn't those kind of calls be safer, specially if there are more around the airport or in the pattern and maybe the WX condt. Are just above the APP mini. (Low VIS)?
Thank you!
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