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4 Answers


Asked by: 5467 views Helicopter

what is QNH? plz explain it to me in the easiest way.......thanks sir


4 Answers

  1. Gary Moore on Dec 25, 2012

    Well…here’s a good start…


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  2. John D. Collins on Dec 25, 2012

    QNH is the current altimeter setting. It is used outside of the US and is expressed in millibars or hectopascals with the standard value of 1013. In the US, we use the term altimeter setting and it is expressed in inches of mercury with 29.92 being the standard value.

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  3. JB on Dec 30, 2012

    QNH gives you your altitude above Mean Sea Level and is the “local” barometric pressure in inches of mercury. It is what you set when flying at or below the Transition Level (Flight Level 180 in the U.S.)

    QNE is when you set your altimeter to 29.92/1013hp (Standard) when flying at or above the Transition Altitude (Flight Level 180 in the U.S.). The transition altitude and level varies outside the U.S.

    QFE is when you set your altimeter to QNH and add a local adjustment that makes your altimeter READ ZERO when you are on the ground. American and Eastern Airlines used to use QFE but now it is only used by some Chinese/Russian, etc. airports and carriers. Instrument approach charts are not built using QFE and therefore it can be a very confusing and potentially dangerous setting if you don’t know what you’re doing. Imagine shooting an approach in mountainous with your altimeter reading zero!

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  4. JB on Dec 30, 2012

    * mountainous terrain

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