Asked by: mm1 7757 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
I have a couple of questions regarding the differences between Offroute Obstacle Clearance Altitudes on low altitude charts vs Maximum Elevation Figures on sectionals. I was looking at a flight from KLEX to K22 in Kentucky. The OROCA in the area is 6,100 feet on the low altitude chart. The MEF on the sectional is 2,700 feet. First question is why such a variation between the two? I know the OROCA adds 1,000 in non-mountainous and 2000 feet in mountainous but that doesn't account for the difference. I also understand that OROCA takes into account an additional 4nm surrounding the OROCA so I'm wondering if this is what causes the value to be at 6,100?
I'm also curious about filing altitude for an IFR GPS direct flight. I've made this flight before and filed and received an altitude below the OROCA. Was this possible because the Minimum Vectoring Altitude was below the OROCA? Sometimes the winds aloft favor a lower altitude in this area particularly on the return trip headed west.
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