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Asked by: 14306 views Private Pilot, Student Pilot





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7 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Nov 27, 2012

    Some truthful soul searching is in order here. Only you can really answer this question. Obviously from what you said in this thread and the other thread that you can fly the airplane just fine but are timid to fly alone.

    What is it that you are afraid of that you cannot handle?

    Is it engine failures after takeoff, in the pattern or in the practice area?

    If this is the case, determine what actions you are going to take in each of these situations. If the engine fails just after takeoff, you are going to pitch for best glide, trim and pick and landing spot right in front of you (with 20 degrees or so) and land. Period. In the pattern, you will pitch for best glide, trim and head for the runway and land. There isn’t much time to try to restart the airplane. In the practice area is something different, you will pitch for best glide, trim, pick a place to land and start heading there and then go through the engine out checklist trying to restart the airplane.

    Is it the fear of stalling the aircraft and spinning out of control?

    If this is the case, know that the airplane will tell you when it is getting close to a stall, (1) stall horn or light, (2) buffet on the controls and (3) control mush. If the airplane stalls and is coordinated, there is no chance for a spin. If you do happen to enter a spin remember the procedure to get out P – A – R – E. Power to idle, Aileron neutral, Rudder opposite the direction of spin and elevator briskly forward to break the stall. From there it is a nose low recovery.

    Is it the fear of talking on the radio?

    Listen to ATC talk around your home airport by purchasing an aviation radio. LIsten to http://www.liveatc.net. Know that ATC wants to know who you are, where you are and what you want to do. If you talk to them in that order and let them know you are a student pilot they will do what they can to help you out.

    I wanted to demonstrate a process for helping you get over your fear. (1) Soul search and identify your fear and (2) knowledge is power. Devise a plan for that situation and follow it. If you know what you are going to do before that event happens, the chances of a successful outcome are greatly increased. I don’t think an internet forum can provide the exact advice you need. Only you and your instructor can do that (have you told him/her?). General advice is what we can do.

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  2. jimmy on Nov 28, 2012

    wes beard

    thank u for ur answer it was very helpfull but the main problem im having is the fear of touchdown

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  3. Yeti on Nov 28, 2012

    I am not a flight instructor, but I finished my private earlier this year. My recommendation would be to do touch and goes for your next few flights with your instructor. Your next few lessons just do that, until you are comfortable with the touchdown. Just a thought, good luck and safe flying!

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  4. Brian on Nov 29, 2012

    I do not intend to beat a dead horse. But comfort at slow speeds (solo) and power off stalls (also solo) may help you. Have you ever done slow flight or power off stalls while solo? It’s something I have all my students do. It is one thing to feel safe doing them with me on board, but slow flight and stalled flight must be overcome while solo as well. After all, I don’t want my students encountering one solo, for the first time, in an uncontrolled environment long after they’ve gotten their license. I’d rather it controlled, intentional, and well explored environment long before I sign them off for their checkride.

    FWIW, the recommendation I gave in your last thread was one intended for you to do on your own. By all means, though, go up and do it first with your instructor to build up your confidence if need be. But the real usefulness of this drill is accomplished while solo. That is, to help you overcome any fear of being really slow, or stalling, while alone. As this is in essence exactly what you do just before touchdown.

    I’ve asked this a few times, perhaps you’ve missed it: Do you hear the stall horn before you touchdown? And, is the yoke as far back as it can go?

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  5. jimmy on Dec 01, 2012

    using the bose headset i dont hear the stall warning

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  6. Brian on Dec 02, 2012

    That’s interesting, I don’t have the same issue.

    Well your indicator for a full stall landing will just be full stick back then. I’m not sure if this is how you land, but it’s a good technique to learn if you haven’t been doing it. It will surely keep any jolting to a minimum.

    As for solo fear, other than practicing what scares you most (at altitude first, if it’s a landing fear), I’ve nothing to add to what Wes said. Well said Wes.

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  7. Best Answer

    hpux735 on Dec 03, 2012

    I’m a student pilot as well. I have just under 5 hours of solo. My first solo flight was rough, I gotta tell ya, I was pretty scared. I wasn’t proud of my landings, but they were survivable. You know what they say “A good landing is one that you can walk away from, a landing is great if you can reuse the aircraft.” Sounds to me like you’ve been having great landings! 🙂

    Anyway, how did I start to love flying solo? First of all, for the first little while, I just pretended my instructor was sitting in the right seat. Nothing at all had changed, I was just flying the airplane like I always did. Then, I took another flight. This flight was entirely frivolous. I flew over to my house, did some sightseeing, basically just enjoyed myself. Then I looked over and made peace with the fact that I was alone and everything was _just fine_. I shot a few landings, ones I was proud of, and walked back to the FBO elated. I almost couldn’t contain my happiness.

    I don’t think your problem is technical (though maybe I’d turn off the noise canceling while landing, I have turn mine off during takeoff because the engine causes it to oscillate). I think you need to find your center in flying. You know what you’re doing. Your muscles know what landing feels like. You know what the sight picture of touchdown looks like. Do what comes naturally, don’t over think it.

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