No Contact VFR Traffic
Asked by: mm1 4526 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I was departing a class C airport VFR the other day and while still in radar contact I got a traffic advisory from ATC. The traffic was about 10 miles out at my 12 o'clock, at my altitude, and headed toward me. I told ATC I was looking but didn't see anything. I got another call at about 6 miles and I requested a climb. ATC advised that the traffic was now 200 feet above me. I was going to ask to descend but then I saw a helicopter maybe a mile to my left at my altitude so I advised ATC and continued on course.
My question is what is the best practice when VFR and you can't locate traffic that is converging on you. Should you climb, descend, turn, ask ATC for a vector, or just keep going with your eyes open?
I'd appreciate hearing any and all responses.
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