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2 Answers

Solo Cross Country endoresment….

Asked by: 3611 views General Aviation

When filling out a solo cross country flight endorsment, are we allowed to put in the limitations and conditons sections, something along the lines of, "flight subject to my approval by phone call". Instead of filling out the endorsement on the same say as the students flight?? The reason i ask is that I have another job and not always available to meet a student at the airport before their flight. I cant find a reg. specifing that i can or cant. Obviously I would check weather, notams, tfrs, etc...before giving the approval just as i would if i was there......Thanks..... PLEASE list any reg. refereance with answers..

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2 Answers

  1. Sam Dawson on Nov 15, 2012

    61.195 Flight instructor limitations and qualifications.

    (2) Student pilot’s certificate and logbook for a solo cross-country flight, unless that flight instructor has determined the student’s flight preparation, planning, equipment, and proposed procedures are adequate for the proposed flight under the existing conditions and within any limitations listed in the logbook that the instructor considers necessary for the safety of the flight;”

    A couple of notes. First it says “… the existing conditions…” So no, you may not endorse the logbook ahead of time.
    Second, any instructor may do this endorsement as all the CFI is checking is the current conditions- the CFI need not have flown with the student, and this endorsement is listed separately from the ones that require the CFI to have flown with the student:

    “(d) Limitations on endorsements. A flight instructor may not endorse a:

    (1) Student pilot’s certificate or logbook for solo flight privileges, unless that flight instructor has—

    (i) Given that student the flight training required for solo flight privileges required by this part; and

    (ii) Determined that the student is prepared to conduct the flight safely under known circumstances, subject to any limitations listed in the student’s logbook that the instructor considers necessary for the safety of the flight.”

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  2. Sam Dawson on Nov 15, 2012

    Also, here is a legal decision on the matter.


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