Trouble staying on the runway centerline
Asked by: Andrew 8346 views General Aviation, Student Pilot
I'm just about to be signed off to solo and there's only 1 aspect of flying that I'm so far uncomfortable with, not to the point where I'd be afraid to solo, but just enough that it's really frustrating. And obviously my CFI doesn't think it's prohibitive to soloing, but my problem is being on the ground on the runway which seems like it shouldn't be an issue at all. I partly wonder if some of the reason it's making me frustrated is that my dad was a pilot in the Air Force and had a Bonanza that I flew as a kid and so from day 1 I was very comfortable controlling the aircraft in the air, but I'd never really done it on the ground before and it seems like that's really where my issue is. Mainly on landing, not so much the touchdown itself even in crosswinds, slipping, etc... In fact we've done all of those and spot landings, and I'm comfortable with all of that. It's once all 3 wheels are on the ground (tricycle PA-28-161) that I can't seem to stay on the runway centerline no matter how hard I try, and it's obviously not the airplane that's the issue.
My CFI is great, we get along, and he's really good about pushing my skills just enough to get me out of my comfort zone when I need to, and he's usually spot on catching what I do wrong. However, even he can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong. For instance we flew last night and he had me doing spot landings and on one landing as I touched down I could hear him say "Perfect! just like the pros... nooooo you ruined it by getting squirrely." I also seems to have the issue, not so much on a normal takeoff, but on touch and go's transitioning from 0 to 100 percent throttle. I don't mean I'm about to run off the runway or anything, but it probably looks like I'm driving drunk going down the runway. Once I get it stabilized my CFI tells me to line it back up, and I don't want to because the plane may be off centered, but it's going straight and I don't want to risk getting it unsettled again.
One piece of advice he gave me that seemed to help is to "lock my legs" so if I keep my legs tensed/rigid it seems like I go off centerline less, but it's still a problem and at that point I feel very uncomfortable and am worried about accidentally putting in way too much rudder just from being tensed. At this point I'm assuming it's an issue with my feet as opposed to not using enough aileron or something along those lines. I suppose one of the problems could be (and the reason it's embarrasing that I can't go in a straight line on the ground) is that I race cars professionally, so maybe my feet are just so used to doing different things especially when braking that I'm screwing myself up. I can't figure out if I'm accidentally hitting the brakes... or if I'm just completely behind the airplane making rudder adjustments. It seems like I have to consciously move my feet around the pedals from a flying position on final to being able to use the brakes after landing, and then back to a flying position for takeoff.
Anyway, I'd appreciate any advice on the matter, it's really frustrating that my CFI can't find any fault in my flying, but rolling down the runway in a straight line seems to be escaping me. And my home airport has a 100ft wide runway so it's not an issue at all, but I would hate to be worried about flying into narrower runways if the problem isn't corrected. In fact, my CFI had me practice an emergency landing at a short 30ft wide runway and if he hadn't been in the plane I think I'd have just decided to set it down in a field rather than land at that airport.
Thanks in advance,
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