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4 Answers

TBO for airplane used commercially

Asked by: 8805 views FAA Regulations


     Is a rental airplane operated for the purpose of flight instruction limited to the manufacturer's engine TBO? 


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4 Answers

  1. Sam Dawson on Nov 08, 2012

    No. The TBO requirement is for 135 operations, and even then they can get an exception. As long as the engine is properly maintained (I recommend 50 hour oil changes, oil analysis, cut oil filter and inspect strainer), an engine can safely be flown well past TBO. Especially if flown regularly.

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  2. Sam Dawson on Nov 08, 2012

    No. TBO only applies to airplanes used under FAR 119. Flight instruction and rental don’t fall under 119.
    Going past TBO can be done very safely as long as there is a good maintenance program. I recommend regular oil changes, oil analysis, cutting of oil filters and inspection of strainers. Google some of the Mike Bush articles on going past TBO.

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  3. John D. Collins on Nov 09, 2012

    To add to what Sam wrote, rental and instruction airplanes tend to get used more often then owner personally operated aircraft. If the airplane is well maintained, this is good for the engine. Some TBO’s are extended by the manufacturer if the airplane flies well above the normal yearly amounts. When I operated a flight school, we would take our C172’s to 2400 hours before we would overhaul them which is 400 above TBO. As Sam indicated, we did 50 hour oil changes and regular oil analysis and compression checks. We never had any problems with our engines.

    What tends to be harder on engines is infrequent usage and corrosion or poor maintenance. The likely hood of an engine failure is higher just after it is overhauled or new as any early life failures or improper assembly or overhaul will show up. I would rather take an engine that has 2100 hours, high usage rate, and good maintenance and fly across the mountains or over water rather than one that has been just overhauled and has 50 hours on it. I figure if it made it to 2100 hours, any errors in assembly or construction have been weeded out and I am just dealing with incremental wear which is a very low risk IMHO.

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