iPads and Students
Asked by: Phil 5301 views Aircraft Systems, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
This question is in regards to the use of iPads and iOS applications for flight training, specifically when do you recommend their use and how to incorporate apps in your training syllabus.
We have been testing an application with some students called AeroFlare; it records and analyzes landings and landing performance as well as recording x-Country flights. We find this useful for student solos in the pattern and cross country flights because we can debrief with the student afterwards and see what speed, altitude, attitude, and location the plane was in throughout the flight. Initial reactions are very positive.
On the other hand, adding a tool to the cockpit that could be a distraction and an additional thing to learn on top of an already complex training program could be tragic.
What do you think about iPads in the cockpit for students, when do you recommend their use, and how do you incorporate them into your training syllabus?
Reference: AeroFlare iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aeroflare/id555686058?mt=8)
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