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3 Answers

28 day database update requirement

Asked by: 11427 views Aircraft Systems, FAA Regulations

Need help in locating the exact part, section and paragraph where the FAA mandates a 28 day database update for all gps equipped aircraft. I have found lots of references that say that it's required by the FAA, however, have been unable to find it in the FAR/AIM. Assistance will be greatly appreciated.


3 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Nov 05, 2012

    The answer you are looking for is found in the AFMS (Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement) for the specific GPS installation. The limitations section of the AFMS carries the force of regulation. Different GPS units have differing wording in this section. The Garmin GNS430W/530W wording requires that the GPS approach be loaded from the database and that the approach data is verified to be current. You can verify that the approach data is current by comparing the effective date of the current approach chart with the effective date of the database. As long as a current chart effective date is not after the database effective date, then the approach may be flown with an expired database. In late 2009, AeroNav and Jeppesen added an additional date to the approach charts called the “Procedure Amendment date”. This date is only updated if a change to the chart causes the database to change. For example, a change to a communication frequency will not have any effect on the procedure.

    In August 2010, the AIM updated figure 1-1-6 in section 1-1-19 regarding the requirements for the database used to read in the Approach column, note 3 has been changed from “Requires current database” to read: “Requires current database or verification that the procedure has not been amended since the expiration of the database”

    Remember though, the AIM isn’t regulatory, but the AFM Limitations section is.

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  2. Ol69stang on Nov 18, 2018

    AC 90-100, U.S. TERMINAL AND EN ROUTE AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) OPERATIONS, paragraph 8a(3): The onboard navigation data must be current and appropriate for the region of intended operation and must include the navigation aids, waypoints, and relevant coded terminal airspace procedures for the departure, arrival, and alternate airfields.

    Published instrument procedures and routes are incorporated by reference into 14 CFR Part 95 and 14 CFR Part 97, are “law.” They are “effective” only during the AIRAC cycle dates specified on the enroute chart/TPP covers or on the side of the chart when printed from the digital-TPP. If you are using a published procedure before or after the dates specified on the chart under IFR, you are technically in violation of the law.


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  3. John D Collins on Nov 20, 2018

    In spite of where the quote was taken from, FAA AeroNav is one producer of the chart and the official data that is published in the Federal Register on the associated 8260-3 form is regulatory. Jeppesen does not reprint charts other than when official changes are made and in the interim, the chart remains legal. There is no indication on the Jeppesen chart of the current AIRAC cycle. The approach is legal until it amended by regulatory action, which does not occur on each AIRAC cycle.

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