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3 Answers

Regarding CFI employment on F-1 visa

Asked by: 7709 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation


Im Moulik Solanki, from India. I am an FAA CPL holder (Airplane Multi & Single engine, Instrument rated).

I have been looking to pursue a CFI/II rating course from States to build some hours. I would like to know if thre are flight schools out there who employ candidates after successfully competing the course on an F1 visa or as an intern. I am desperately wanting to build some hours. Not just that, I believe experience as an instructor will do me loads of good as a pilot in my future. I myself have an inclination towards instructing.

I request you to help me on this subject and let me know of any flight schools that I can work it out with.

I appreciate a website like this where pilots can ask questions and get answers to from experienced CFIs.

Thanking in anticipation.


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3 Answers

  1. Matthew Waugh on Nov 02, 2012

    On an F1 visa you cannot work for compensation.

    I believe you want a J1 visa – a number of flight schools handle J1 candidates – but the only ones I knew of are no longer in business (shout-out to North American Aviation in Conway, SC).

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  2. Lucas on Nov 03, 2012

    That is not entirely correct an F-1 Visa allows you to work for CPT (curricular practical training) or OPT (optional practical training), and you can also work up to 20 hours a week on campus, but these are usually related to the type of training the F-1 Visa was issued for (if you went to culinary school than you may work in the campus restaurant, not teach people how to fly). So it all depends on what academic training you were pursuing in the U.S.
    Also if you wanted to change the Visa to a J-1 which will allow you to work for up to 2 years, there still are some flight schools like PEA in Daytona Beach FL, that issue them but you would need to go back to India to switch the Visa.
    Hope this was helpful.



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  3. Moulik Solanki on Nov 09, 2012

    Thank you folks, for your replies. The problem is that most of the flight schools issuing F-1 visas have a fixed program where they take candidates from 0 hours to CPL to flight instructing.
    I’m still on with my research though.

    Happy landings!

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