Instructor Didn’t Sign Log Book
Asked by: Joe 9513 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot
To make a long story short, my currency/biannual and medical are all way past due, but decided to go for an hour long discovery flight while I was visiting someone out of town. Everything went great and I freshened up on a lot of my skills. I gave the instructor my log book to fill out after the flight, trusting that everything would be filled out correct. When I reviewed it upon getting back home, I realized he didn't put any information about his instructor certificate/signature/etc. I'm curious to see if this fight "counts" or if I need to figure out a way to get back to him somehow?
By "counts" I mean, if it counts toward total time for future ratings (i.e. commercial). The entry was made as 1 hour dual received. I just want to make sure it's not invalid for any reason without a particular instructor signature and credentials.
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