What are some good resources for preparing for a complex aircraft transition.
Asked by: Jason Brooks 13787 views Aircraft Systems
I'm a private pilot with about 240 hours. 170 of my hours are in a Cherokee 140. Last month a tornado decided that it was time for me to change aircraft. I'm planning on purchasing a PA-28R-180 Arrow soon. I had my first ride in one last week, which also was my first ride in a complex aircraft smaller than a King Air. It really opened my eyes on how much I need to learn. Do any of you have suggestions as to good reading and training material online? I came across this question, http://www.askacfi.com/3542/complex-airplane-transition-for-private-pilots.htm , which helped me get on the right track about what I need to learn, just finding the material is the problem now. Also if anyone has any advice about transitioning into this aircraft it would be greatly appreciated.
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