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Is the BOSE headset really all that? Help!! i need to see if the money is actually worth it.

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Aviation Headsets

I've recently been looking for a headset to buy and  i was refered to the BOSE set. It is a little pricey so i need advice from someone who has tried a pair to see if they are worth it?? or should i get david clarks? if not, why??

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6 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Paul Tocknell on Oct 21, 2012


    I have used and tried countless pairs of headsets and I have to admit, my favorite pair by far was the Bose A20. However that being said, I went for many years before trying the Bose and was perfectly content with a really good pair of David Clark H10-13.4 that were a third of the cost. There is nearly a $700 difference between the two headsets, which I think is a lot of money. I would much rather spend that on an extra endorsement or rating.


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  2. Gary Moore on Oct 21, 2012

    I agree with Paul – the Bose are great headsets and very comfortable – but that perk does come at quite a hefty price. I too have been flying with David Clarks for nearly 25 years (the same pair actually) and wouldn’t trade them for anything. Use the extra money saved on AvGas 🙂

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  3. Michelle Chimwanda on Oct 21, 2012

    Thank you guys!!!!!

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  4. Sam Dawson on Oct 21, 2012

    Headsets are a very personal item and I would recommend trying headsets on long flights if you can prior to purchase. I have used Lightspeeds for years and have been very happy with them. On one trip the airplane was equipped with a Bose headset and I thought I would let my wife use it. After 1 hour her head had a bad hotspot and she made me switch. After 30 minutes wearing the Bose I too had a hotspot. So I will stick with my Lightspeeds.

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  5. Collin Hughes on Oct 25, 2012

    I had a customer who purchased a Piper Saratoga shortly after obtaining his private pilot certificate. After he bought his airplane he bought two Bose headsets. His wife was not happy that he paid $2,000 for two headsets. The first time she got in the plane with him and he showed her how great the noise cancellation was with the Bose headsets she forgave him and complemented him on his purchase. How much is your hearing worth to you?

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  6. Seth Cassaday on Jan 28, 2013

    I have owned DC, Bose X, Zulu, Zulu 2, Zulu 2 gen2, and Bose A20, for one the Bose headset cord is 12″ shorter and the control box keeps pulling out of the the side pocket of the airplane, that is annoying, so I sent my A20s back and thats why I have a new pair of Zulu 2s. as far as comfort on my head they are about the same but the zulu 2 ear seals are softer, and seam to seal better over my glasses. the Bose cost $250 more, you can’t listen to music via bluetooth with the Bose, And the zulu 2s puchased after March 2012 can record the conversation on the Iphone with the Flight Link app provided by Zulu. The Bose headband is a little more streamline cords don’t get caught on them when your getting them out of the case and they fit a little close to my head which is only a little bit helpfull when flying something with less headroom like the piper Cherokee line.

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