How would i know that i’m totally fit to be a pilot
Asked by: Mish 6309 views Aircraft Systems, Aviation Headsets, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot
Hello everyone,
I'm 25 years old and working in IT dept. for airline company and i have good chance to study aviation. but my problem is that i'm thinking deeply in this and afraid that maybe i'm not fit to be a pilot.
Difficulty of studying, Working life, Problems that may be faced when you are pilot.. etc.
all these questions are important
i do love traveling and i don't have any problem to stand heavy load of work and study i really do like airport life
but still i have this fear that maybe when i become a pilot i'll discover somthing else something i don't like because i haven't been in the Captin place while flighing i don't know what problems they face ? is it very deffecault? i need information, advices, experiences, so i can judge i don't want to do somthing i might regret.
i await your reply ,
thank you
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