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3 Answers

getting my cpl+cfi what are the time frames involved?

Asked by: 3947 views Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

I am going through a college based flight school that will end with me having a..

ppl, cpl, cfi, cfii, and multi engine rating. 


could anyone here give me a break down on the hours involved before I get to each step?  I know that everone is different and am not asking for exact numbers but just averages.


for each step I mean like first solo, first cross country solo ect...  ot just the cirts but the things involved with each one.


Thanks in advance for any info.


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3 Answers

  1. Lucas on Aug 26, 2012

    Sorry Bob but we can’t really give you a precise answer because rules are different based on which program the school you go to uses (61, 141, 142 etc.)

    Most universities operate under 141. So you will probably have around 220-280 hours by the end of it all.

    Now for your solo (that also depends on the program you use), you can expect to do that between 15-30 hours (I soloed at 10.5 but I have seen people with 100+ hours and no solo), and the X-country should happen not too far away from your solo.

    To keep the hours at a minimum I would suggest flying as much as possible avoiding long interruptions between flights (some students only fly once every week or two for a 2 hour block, and this will nearly double your time).

    Finally if I knew what University you went to I would probably be able to give you a better estimate.


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  2. bob stone on Aug 26, 2012

    I am going to lccc which runs a part 141 school

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  3. Matthew Waugh on Aug 31, 2012

    If you are attending a Part 141 training course full time then I’d be surprised if you don’t work through that curriculum in the minimum times required. But if you’re doing the Part 141 course on a part time basis it’s going to depend on how part time you are.

    Have you asked somebody at the college, I’m assuming they have counselors or something (I’m not being sarcastic, I wasn’t educated in the US – US colleges are a mystery to me).

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