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9 Answers

Another Dual Commercial XC question

Asked by: 6333 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

I know I have already asked this question in some manner, but my question was not really definitively answered. Maybe I didn't phrase correctly.

Regarding the dual xc flights for commercial SEL, the 2 hour 100nm day and night xc's. Can you fly them in this manner:

Takeoff from airport A, fly to airport B, a distance of 115nm straight line, land at airport B, taxi back and takeoff to return to airport A. The time between each airport is a little more than 1 hour in the air. This would make a total of more than 2 hours. Does that satisfy the requirement? 


Thanks everyone!

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9 Answers

  1. Derek Schwalenberg on Aug 13, 2012

    Can you be more specific on which certificate or rating you are seeking and /or the regulation you are referring to?

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  2. Derek Schwalenberg on Aug 13, 2012

    Sorry, haha just realized you said commercial SEL. Its two hours total time (there and back) of at least 100nm distance between EACH LEG. I thought you were the same guy that asked about 61.109 earlier guess I should have read your question better.

    from 61.129:

    [(iii) One 2-hour cross country flight in a single engine airplane in daytime conditions that consists of a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nautical miles from the original point of departure;

    (iv) One 2-hour cross country flight in a single engine airplane in nighttime conditions that consists of a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nautical miles from the original point of departure; and

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  3. Derek Schwalenberg on Aug 13, 2012

    Well I should have said between the main two airports, you could stop at another airport on the way back that was not 100nm away (if you wanted or needed to for some reason) as long at least one airport was 100nm straight line distance.

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  4. Lucas on Aug 13, 2012

    If I understand the question correctly than the answer is no. The total duration of the flight must be 4 hours if you are combining the Day and Night X-country. Pick an airport a little further away so that between T/O X-C landing and maybe a little slow flight it comes out to be 4-4.1 hours then divide the flights in the logbook to be 2.0 and 2.1.


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  5. James on Aug 14, 2012

    Lucas good idea I see what you are saying.

    I’m trying to be as clear and basic as possible with this. For the day cross country can I do this hypothetical situation: takeoff from airport A, fly to Airport B (distance of 115nm, time 1.2 hours), land at airport B and taxi back for flight back to airport A. The total time would be 2.4 hours.

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  6. Lucas on Aug 14, 2012

    Sorry James but the answer is definitely no.
    Each X-country must be at least 2 hours long. They can be combined but you must make sure that the flight is equal or greater than 4 hours total (maybe some slow flight during the XC?). Then you would log it in 2 separate lines each of which must be 2.0 or more.

    Cheers Lucas

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  7. James on Aug 14, 2012

    I am not talking about combining the day and night XC. I am reffering to the day cross country only. I have already completed the night XC.

    For the day XC, takeoff from A and fly to B, land at B taxi back and fly to airport A. Distance between A and B is 115nm, time each way is 1.2 hours, meaning total time of 2.4 hours.

    Sorry for any confusion.

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  8. Wes Beard on Aug 14, 2012


    You can fly from Airport A to airport B 115 NM away and come back. As long as the total flight time from A to B back to A is greater than 2 hours counts as wither the day or night VFR XC requirements for the commercial certificate.

    As others have said… You can fly to an airport greater than 100NM that takes at least two hours during the day and then come back at night and knock out both requirements at the same time.

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  9. James on Aug 14, 2012

    Thanks for the clarification!

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