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7 Answers

Suggested Student Pilot Equipment

Asked by: 6082 views Student Pilot

what equipment should a student pilot have?

i have been wondering about this for a while, i've only logged 1 hour as i had a trial lesson but i am going back soon for some more..

any help is appreciated



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7 Answers

  1. Nathan Parker on Aug 08, 2012

    You mean in the airplane? Or are you talking books and things needed to complete the training program?

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  2. Gordon Bower on Aug 08, 2012

    Varies from school to school. I was expected to obtain a headset, plotter/computer, kneeboard, chart, flashlight, and view-limiting device over the course of a couple months. Had considerable freedom exactly what brand and model I wanted for all of the above. You may also be required to have your own copy of the FAR/AIM rather than using one from your flight school when it comes time from your checkride.

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  3. Jim Foley on Aug 08, 2012

    I would add to get a fuel tester. Most places I’ve used aircraft from have them, but it’s nice to have your own. A FAR/AIM is a greet idea, so you can mark it up and highlight stuff (but you can get the regs online for free). A white/red flashlight is definitely a must when you start your night flights. A headset of your own is nice. And most places I’ve seen will rent headsets. You’ll save money in the long run by buying your own.

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  4. craig williams on Aug 09, 2012

    thank you all very much for this 🙂 much appreciated
    @Nathan Parker i mean inside the aircraft

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  5. Lucas on Aug 11, 2012

    Also keep in mind that at some point you will need to pass the FAA knowledge test, and, while there are many products out there to help you in this task, ours will also shave 10-15 hours off your one-on-one ground school, because rather than teaching you mindless memorization of question and answer, we actually teach you all the material with a highly interactive and fun to use software. In as little as 9 hours we guarantee that you will pass the test and will become a very safe and proficient pilot.

    Weather you already started flying or not makes no difference since we actually go over all of the material in detail from rules to meteorology to VOR navigation.
    if you would like to see if this might be useful to you fell free to download one of our free demos at:


    So far we offer PC or Mac versions, but we just submitted our mobile apps to the Apple store and will probably be live within 10 days for iPad and Android tablets.

    Pledging you Americas best


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  6. n on Aug 24, 2012


    Headset, get a used david clark off ebay or craigs, be sure it’s a dual plug GA headset
    Pen & paper
    paper E6B (like a slide rule)
    plotter and aviation ruler

    I dont like my students to use knee boards, they can get in the way and not needed for a PPL student.


    From the ground up book ( http://www.amazon.com/From-Ground-ASA-Training-Manuals/dp/1560274522 )

    The King School private pilot program, I’m a big fan of this program, it’s the industry standard.

    My process is this, go through the kind program, any thing you dont understand you look up in from the ground up (which is a book you can use all the way up to your ATP), then take the practice tests that come with the King program, anything you STILL dont understand bring to your CFI.

    This process has yielded many students, NONE of which have EVERY failed a written or a oral.

    FYI, I’m not affiliate with any training programs or trying to sell anything, just what I have found works for my guys.

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  7. craig williams on Aug 24, 2012

    thankyou all for the help much appreciated! 🙂

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