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9 Answers

What are the required endorsements to sign off for an applicant take their MEI check ride?

Asked by: 17426 views Flight Instructor

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9 Answers

  1. Paul Jurgens on Jul 29, 2012

    Assuming that the applicant already has CFI-ASE certificate, the endorsement for the add-on rating (as noted in AC61-65E) should be something like the following:

    44.  Flight instructor ground and flight proficiency/practical test: section 61.183(g) and section 61.187(a) and (b). 
    I certify that (First name, MI, Last name) has received the required training of section 61.187(b).  I have determined he/she is prepared for the CFI—Airplane Multiengine practical test. 
    /s/ [date] J. J. Jones 987654321CFI Exp. 12-31-05
    There is not a knowledge test requirement if the add-on is also an airplane category.
    If this is an initial instructor rating, there are several other endorsements required (knowledge tests, spins, etc).
    Don’t forget that the applicant does need 15 hours of PIC in multiengine airplanes prior to the practical exam (61.183(j)).

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  2. Nathan Parker on Jul 30, 2012

    And a 61.39 endorsement is required.

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  3. Matthew Waugh on Jul 30, 2012

    Well this is sad. We have an instructor teaching an instructor candidate and we have a question about endorsements????
    I don’t see the oral going particularly well.

    -44 Votes Thumb up 1 Votes Thumb down 45 Votes

  4. T on Jul 30, 2012

    No, the real sad part is that an instructor can’t ask a question on this website without being criticized for doing so.  What’s the point of this website???
    F.Y.I. the oral went just fine.

    +28 Votes Thumb up 28 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

  5. Paul Tocknell on Jul 30, 2012

    Thank you for submitting your question and I hope you received the answer you were looking for.

    All questions are encouraged at askacfi.com as we have all at one time has had to ask even the basic ones. 

    Thanks again and glad to hear the oral went well. 


    +6 Votes Thumb up 6 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

  6. Lucas on Jul 30, 2012

    Cheers Paul
    You hit the mark. We have all been there and needed to start somewhere.
    If I look back at when I started teaching 15 years ago I would have loved to have a website such as this one where I could of asked my questions so I could help my students by use of the knowledge of people who have been there and done that.
    No question is ever to stupid to be asked, the only stupid thing would be not to ask it.
    Go ahead T and keep firing questions away you will always find people in this forum willing to help you and others like you.
    By the way if you ever have doubts on any endorsements you can always refer back to AC-65-65-E
    here is the direct link to the AC from faa.gov
    Make sure you read the explanation at the beginning as well as the actual writing of the endorsement.
    Keep up the good work
    Cheers Lucas

    +1 Votes Thumb up 1 Votes Thumb down 0 Votes

  7. L.Jones on Jul 30, 2012

    For Matthew Waugh’s benefit, I am the MEI candidate the original poster was inquiring about. He went over the required endorsements with me last night and had included them already in my logbook. He was simply confirming his diligent research when he posted here.

    In 35 years of regular flight training (32 as a CFI) I have to say that Tim is the most thorough, most diligent CFI with whom I have ever had the privilege to fly. He exudes professionalism, and trains his students to the highest standards.

    For the record, I sailed through the oral exam today…one of the smoothest of my career. I give much of the credit to Tim.

    Unfortunately, a cracked spinner postponed the flight portion til later this week when the new one arrives. I am pretty confident he’s prepared me just as well for the ride portion. Thanks, Tim.


    P.S. I did his Flight Review this afternoon. He’s as good a pilot as he is an instructor.

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  8. L.Jones on Aug 03, 2012

    Finished flight portion today and it went withou a hitch. Was a bit surprised by the double-engine pull at 4,000 AGL over a neighboring airport, but that wasn’t a huge challenge. Overall the entire ride was fun and educational experience. Feels good to have the MEI complete.

    Now on to the ATP…


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  9. Matthew Waugh on Aug 04, 2012

    I’ve just returned to this thread.

    So I apologise, my tone was clearly inappropriate.

    In my defense however, the question reads like people too lazy to do the work required, If the question had been something along the lines of “I am giving (or I have received depending on who you are) these endorsements for an MEI checkride ………. Are these the appropriate endorsements?” Then it would have looked like a question from a professional who wanted to ensure that they weren’t making any mistakes.

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