Flight following with complex routing
Asked by: Nypac 4974 views General Aviation, Private Pilot
As a fairly novice VFR private pilot, I virtually always use flight following for flights out of my local area. Usually, it's just a matter of, "...VFR direct (destination) at (altitude), request flight following." Later this summer I'll be flying from my home in the NE US to Florida, where I'll be doing a fair amount of flying around the state for the week or so I'll be there.
Given that several of my anticipated flights will involve somewhat complex routing, in order to reduce the risk of becoming alligator food or extended over-water ops, I'm wondering what the proper procedure for a FF request is, in those cases. For example, flying from central FL to EYW will, by my own choice, involve navigating via various VORs and intersections, far from "direct".
When I make my FF request, do I give all the intersections and VORs in my route? Or do I just give my destination and does ATC not really care how I get there, since I'm VFR?
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