Getting into a Pilatus PC-12
Asked by: KJ Tribe 5316 views Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating
Hey there!
I'm just finishing my commercial license and about to move on to multi/IFR. I've dreamt of flying PC-12s since I saw one for the first time on the apron at CYCD (Nanaimo, BC). Now that I'm near the end of my commercial, I'm trying to figure out just how to get into a PC-12.
I'd greatly appreciate any tips on what I can do to increase my chances of landing a job on a Pilatus, and what operators expect beyond a CPL and IFR rating.
Also, what are most PC-12s used for in North America? I've seen a few used as air ambulances, and one used by the RCMP here in Canada.
Bonus points if you know of any commercial Pilatus operators in BC!
Thanks :)
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