Logging Point-to-Point Cross-Country time (for Part 135) when a student/private pilot..
Asked by: IT^GUY 8293 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hi all!
I had a quick question about logging flight time, especially Point-To-Point Cross-Country flight time. I have my PPL and understand the 50 nm requirements for those ratings. However, the part 135 requirements are a little more confusing. I know that you can log any flight that involves a landing at a different airport as point-top-point XC flight, regardless of the distance. Now, the question is - are flights as a student pilot (with instructor on board, and dual received) considered XC flights for the PArt 135 requirements?
Furthermore, do flights with an instructor after earning PPL, but working towards IR (with a CFII) count as point-to-point XC time? I know some of it can be counted as PIC time as well.
Thanks and look forward to your thoughts!
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