Use/Purpose of FAA Form 3150-1 – Aerospace Physiology Training
Asked by: Jim F. 4944 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation
Hi. I was issues a "certificate" FAA form 3150-1 when I went through PROTE training at CAMI in Oklahoma City. I have alsked every CFI/professor at my university about what it is/does/allows, and nobody knows. It seems to me that it would replace much of the training from a CFI for a high-performance endorsement, but I havn't found anything confirming my suspicions. If not for the high-performance endorsement, then what is it good for? It says: "PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAINING This is to notify that the following person has met the requirements for the Physiological Training Program as prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration." Here's a link to a picture of my "certificate" (with names and certificate numbers removed): Thanks!
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