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Use/Purpose of FAA Form 3150-1 – Aerospace Physiology Training

Asked by: 4944 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation

Hi.  I was issues a "certificate" FAA form 3150-1 when I went through PROTE training at CAMI in Oklahoma City.  I have alsked every CFI/professor at my university about what it is/does/allows, and nobody knows.  It seems to me that it would replace much of the training from a CFI for a high-performance endorsement, but I havn't found anything confirming my suspicions.  If not for the high-performance endorsement, then what is it good for?  It says: "PHYSIOLOGICAL TRAINING  This is to notify that the following person has met the requirements for the Physiological Training Program as prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration."  Here's a link to a picture of my "certificate" (with names and certificate numbers removed): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/74530077/Untitled.jpg  Thanks!

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3 Answers

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  2. Jim Foley on Jun 06, 2012

    It appears to be.  The course was arranged and completed through a college course, so I’m not really sure what it actually was.  I have showed my instructor where you linked, and AC 61-107A, but he refuses to credit that trianing towards my high-altitude endorsement, since the AC doesn’t actually mention Form 3150-1.  Basically he wants a publication that spells out exactly what 3150-1 allows him to skip in training.
    It’s starting to feel to me that he’s doing this to get more hours/money from me.  I suppose I’ll put in a call to CAMI/FSDO and talk to my Cheif Flight Instructor about it.

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  3. Wes Beard on Jun 07, 2012

    If we read the regulation (§61.31(g)) I would conclude that your time in the class would fulfill parts of the ground training required for the high altitude endorsement.  There is also a flight portion in a pressurized airplane to include normal flights and an emergency descent.
    If my student came in with the certificate of completion I would credit him with portions of the ground school (ii to ix) but there is still high altitude aerodynamics and meterology that I would need to cover.  At that point I would endorse the ground portion but not give a complete high altitude endorsement as the flight hasn’t occurred yet. 

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