Private Pilot logging hours flying with Commercial Pilot/CFI on Commercial flight
Asked by: macain94 3903 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Private Pilot
I recently have heard of an oppurtunity to fly with a friends uncle. His flys his personal Cessna 172 for Michigan DNR. Everyday he flys around two hours around saginaw bay. He holds commercial, CFI, CFII, and MEI ratings. With the limited amount of time I have been flying lately this seemed to be a good oppurtunity but there are some questions with the regs. I would like to if I am able, fly left seat, with him in the right seat "instructing." I am unsure whether I can log time as dual recieved while he is conducting his duties as the PIC for the commercial flight. In respect to Part 61.113 I would not be acting as PIC for the commercial flight.
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