Question regarding C172 G1000 Electrical System
Asked by: Max King 16133 views Aircraft Systems, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
I am a private pilot currently working on my instrument rating. This question is regarding the electrical system of a 172 fitted with g1000.
The power supply to the avionics bus 1 and 2 is delivered from the main electrical bus 1 and 2 respectively. These two avionics buses connect circuit breakers for various components such as the Transponder, AHRS and ADC. In fact, all the components of the G1000 system are connected to either one of the avionics buses. All except the two Garmin Integrated Avionics units. So this has led me to believe that the GIAs are infact the two avionics buses, but it still doesnt add up for me as that would make the G1000 schematic I have (apparently supplied from Garmin) highly inaccurate. Where do the GIAs fit into the system? There doesnt seem to be any connection to them from either buses.
I havent really been able to get a conclusive answer from an instructor.
Thanks for any help!
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