Can I still be a pilot!?
Asked by: Maverick Cayce 12261 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
About 6 months ago, I was pulled over for a random drug search. I thought nothing of it and allowed the police to go about their search. They found a small piece of marijuana and I was taken to jail. I don't smoke, drink, or even have a criminal record of any sort except for this stupid thing. I'm going to take my private checkride in a week, so I was filling out my IACRA forms and came across the question asking if I've ever been convicted of possession. I was scared to answer, so I thought I would ask if I was done flying or what to do. I've looked at the requlations and it says something along the lines of it has to be at least 1 year before I'm able to recieve a certificate. I don't know what to do! Any help is greatly appreciated.
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