Plan for soloing students
Asked by: Cherie Ann Kurian 4857 views Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I was asked what I would do after my student completed his initial solo. The answers could be many. Celebrate, cut out and autograph the back of his shirt, applaud and continue with the rest of the training... yeah thats what i said. Fly with him till he meets all the requirements for a private pilot license, endorse him and send him on his way. Now the examiner wants a plan of action. This is what i have so far.
I would continue with more pattern work, then take him out to the practice area, then do couple of supervised solo flights in n out of practice areas, where he/she would be totally responsible for nav, comms, traffic avoidance, everything. Thn a solo to practice area, maybe some maneuvers. Thn x country training day/night, followed by couple of supervised solo x/c flights. Finally solo x/c.
Does this sound good? This is based off of my instructor's and the examiner's suggestions. Does anyone have anything to add? Any suggestion is welcome
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