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3 Answers

What is expected of private pilot applicants when flying G100-equipped airplanes?

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FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

I am an CFI at a flight school that currently has a slim fleet - two C172S's, one with a G530 and round dials and the other a G1000. I have a student who is interested in flying the G1000 for his private pilot checkride (largely due to a/c availability). Any thoughts out there on how the ride might go? Garmin frowns upon pulling circuit breakers for the AHRS, ADC, etc as I understand, and Garmins' guide for DPE's and CFI's focuses on instrument training. PPL checkrides on complex glass systems like that don't seem ideal to me, but that might be my bias because I never touched a G1000 as a student. Curious if any of you CFI's have some input on how best to prepare students. Thanks!

3 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on May 14, 2012

    Based upon the title of the post, I just have to say 10% of what would be required of someone taking the practical test in an airplane equipped with a G-1000.
    Kidding aside, there should be no difference in expectations.  The instrument tasks on the private test are not expected to be performed partial panel, so no need to deal with pulling C/Bs.

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  2. Stephen on May 15, 2012

    Or 33% of what is required for the G-300! Oops. 🙂

    I suppose so long as the applicant can do the same sort of VOR tracking as on the traditional systems they’d be fine. Just wondering if they’d be expected to do GPS waypointing or anything like that.

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  3. Kyler on May 16, 2012

    I have done a couple checkrides with a G1000.  It would be considered a “system” in addition to any other system that the student could then potentially be asked about.  The most common accepted G1000 answers would include explaining the internal wiring i.e. what connects to what, and what fails if my AHRS fails, etc.  I don’t know that an examiner would do partial panel on a private checkride, but you better believe that they can do it on an instrument checkride. In my checkrides they did PFD failures, without reversionary mode–the examiner would manually and completely dim the PFD to be unusable.  Your moving map would then be completely zoomed out and you’d have to fly a GPS approach using only the three sets of numbers on top of the MFD: DTK TRK and BRG, and the compass I suppose.  I personally thought it was a little ridiculous (since I’d prefer using the purple line and moving map), but definitely a posibility.  The other posibility I suppose would be to cover all the glass and use just the backup instruments (like a complete main battery failure–backup battery running the backup gyro). I hope that helps!

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