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4 Answers

Is Nassau Flyers flight school any good?

Asked by: 6800 views
Student Pilot

Hey guys/gals, I was wondering if someone can help me do some research on this Nassua flyers flight school. I seen alot of positive reviews and a couple negative. I am looking for the best bang for my buck and not be bamboozled.

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4 Answers

  1. Lucas on May 01, 2012

    I personally don’t know that flight school very well.
    I can tell you that Farmingdale college is a very good school but they only train you as part of their university curriculum, so that’s probably not an option. Other flight schools that have a good reputation in the area are Heritage flight academy located in Islip and a little farther away Century air in Caldwell NJ and Nova Aviation in Morristown NJ.
    Keep in mind though that the flight school is just as good as its flight instructors, so it all depends on who ends up training you.
    You could go there and ask some of their students who they think is the best flight instructor and why, once you find your match ask to train with him…
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  2. Tom on May 08, 2012

    Have you looked into long island aviators, Out of republic, nice 172’s with G1000. I Instruct with them if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
    As far as Nassau goes, I can’t really say great things, and I really caan’t say anything horrible.

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  3. Barry David on Jan 01, 2013

    I trained at Nassau Flyers and I would not go back there . I had about 20 extra hours that I did not need . I can not tell you where to go to be trained ,but you are taking a chance going there

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  4. Doug on Jun 18, 2024

    Yes. best school in the new york area if you prioritize safety and becoming a proficient pilot. their airplanes and facilities are well kept and having so many planes I never had to cancel because of mechanical issues. All of their planes are maintained by Cirrus Factory service center on the field too. AC in the airplane in the summer is also a major plus

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