4 Answers
Overcoming increased angle of descent in a strong headwind
Asked by: Ben Jenkins 6625 views Student Pilot
I'm a recreational pilot, but currently in the process of converting to GA, & would like some clarification on the following questions:
To overcome a strong headwind on base leg, my briefing notes specify that you need to increase power as well as adopt a high nose attitude.
1. Is the above method based on: Performance (IAS) = Attitude + Power
2. As a result of the headwind, will a new/different attitude be required on base leg?
3. As a result of the headwind, will a new/different IAS be required on base leg?
4. Am I correct in assuming that each of IAS, TAS, & GS, will reduce if the normal (non-headwind) control inputs (for a C172SP), i.e. 75 Kt, 1500 RPM, & the approximate half windscreen attitude, were adopted?
5. For this exercise, which of: (i) increased power or (ii) higher nose attitude(s) are more useful for overcoming increased angle of descent, or should I apply a combination of both?
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