Logging FAA Time Abroad (in Non-N Aircraft)
Asked by: Alan 7340 views FAA Regulations, Light Sport Aircraft
I hold a valid FAA license which I have validated in France. This means the French authorities allow me to use my FAA license to exercise the privileges of a private pilot in France, on F registered aircraft. I am curious as to how I should be logging hours out here, which I hope can still potentially count towards experience for future FAA certificates.
For what concerns French certified aircraft, I have logged it as I would in the US. However, I have also been flying some ULMs (the French equivalente of an LSA). In France, one does not use the same logbook for ULMs and certified aircraft. In fact, you can not even fly a ULM with a French private pilot license (you need a specific ULM license).
In the US, I have logged LSA hours under my single-engine engine land column, in the same logbook I have used for all my other flying. Would it be ok to do the same for ULMs in France?
To make matters more interesting, I have done both autogyro and fixe-wing flying here (both under the ULM category). Can I log both in my FAA logbook?
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