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Audio Aviation Books

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General Aviation

I have three hours of drive time to and from work that I would like to try and fill with aviation knowledge rather than mindless radio dribble.  Does anyone know of any aviation training material that is on audio CDs or MP3s.  I am currently working on my commercial rating but I am not only looking for material pertaining to that.  I will be working towards a CFI so any and all aviation information is applicable to my request.  I haven't looked around iTunes for anything like this so if anyone knows whether they have anything like this that would be good to know too.  All information is greatly appreciated.  Thanks ahead of time.

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5 Answers

  1. Dave M on Apr 19, 2012

    You could try “The Finer Points” (http://www.thefinerpoints.net/).
    They have audio, and video, podcasts on aviation available. I think they are available through iTunes as well

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  2. JakeR on Apr 19, 2012

    I love the finer points, though his posts have gotten further apart over the years it’s all very good material.  Rod Machado (http://www.rodmachado.com) has a bunch of stuff available too.

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  3. Norman E on Feb 25, 2014

    I’ve been reading (creating an audiobook of) the Aviation Instructor Handbook FAA-8083-9A for Librivox.org (free audobooks in the public domain). l still have half of chapter 8 and the appendices to go, before I am finished. When complete it will be available on Librivox (ETA of mid 2014) but in the meantime you can download load chapters 1-9 at this link http://ge.tt/728Q9pr Its on the order of 10 hours worth of audio. If you don”t like my style, well at least it was free! After that’s finished i hope to move on to the PHAK from the FAA but i will be trying to get other volunteers from t Librivox.org to read chapters, That is really long! Norm

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  4. Jon CEO on Jul 03, 2014

    Check out http://www.aviationaudiobooks.com
    Currently they have the Instrument Flying Handbook and the Helicopter Flying Handbook with more titles coming. They are Mp3 downloads.

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  5. Norman E on Jan 29, 2015

    Both the Airplane Flying Handbook and the Aviation Instructor’s Handbook by the FAA are now available on Librivox.org and the Archive.org as audiobooks. The Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge is currently in work on Librivox.org.

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