Mounting Camera on Outside of Aircraft
Asked by: Jim F. 24457 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation
I was looking for input on regs regarding mounting cameras on the outside of the aircraft. (Specifically a GoPro HDHero2.) I have been filming flights for a couple months, and then was told by my CFI that the cheif CFI said not to do it. When I asked him directly abou it, he said it would disrupt the airflow too much and your lift wouldn't be sufficient. (Obviously, that's not at all true.) When I told him that was just stupid and that my self and thousands of other people fly with them daily without problem, he then changed and said it was against some FAA reg. (Which he couldn't find to prove it.) He told me if I could prove it was legal, it would be O.K. From what I've been able to find, there is nothing regarding it. Any input regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
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