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Is a multi-rated private pilot required to do complex part of commercial checkride?

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Commercial Pilot


I am a 600-hour private pilot (IFR, multi, and glider) looking to get a commercial when I get home from a one-year Army Reserve tour in Germany (I've made more than 100 glider flights since I got here; aerobatics have been a blast!).

I recall reading that multi-engine rating replaces the complex part of the commercial check ride. Makes sense. True?

I have ~200 hours in Arrows, so flying one is no problem. I won't be working for several months after I get home, so managing cash flow will be important.


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3 Answers

  1. Bill Trussell on Apr 12, 2012

    Not true, unfortunately.
    According to the “aircraft to be provided” section of the PTS for the commercial Pilot certificate :

    4. be a complex airplane furnished by the applicant, unless

    the applicant currently holds a commercial pilot certificate
    with a single-engine or multiengine class rating as
    appropriate, for the performance of takeoffs, landings, and
    appropriate emergency procedures. A complex landplane is
    one having retractable landing gear, flaps, and controllable

    propeller or turbine-powered. A complex seaplane is one
    having flaps and controllable propeller.”
    Please note that I am quoting the new version of the PTS for the Commercial Pilot Certificate slated to go into effect June 1, 2012.
    It can be found at http://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/airmen/test_standards/pilot/media/FAA-S-8081-12C.pdf page 9.

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  2. Curtis Ide on Apr 12, 2012

    Add-on to Bill’s – If you get your commercial multi-engine first and then your single engine then your assumption would be correct and this is probably what you had seen referenced in the past.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 13, 2012

    As you can see from the text in Bill’s post, the complex airplane need only be used for the takeoffs, landings and emergency procedures.  Since cash flow is going to be a problem, you can practice all the other maneuvers in a cheaper airplane and use it on the checkride to perform those maneuvers.  Get a complex to train takeoffs, landings and emergencies and use that plane for those portions of the practical test.  The process may be a bit more “complex”, but you’ll save some cash.

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