BFR while taking pain medication?
Asked by: Dave M. 5221 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot
I have not beenable to fly for past 6 months while taking pain medication awaiting upcoming surgery. My medical is current for another year,but I am due for my BFR at the end of this month. I really miss flying and wanted to know if it is legal for me to fly a few days a month with a CFII to maintain some level of flying skills. Also can I complete my BFR while still taking the pain medications. I would also assume that I could not count any of these flight hours as PIC, but my main concern is to at least maintain my flying skills legally and safely. Would it also be allowed to combine the BFR with an IPC under the same circumstances. Once the surgery is finished next month, it will probably be another 2 months of pain management until I can fly again. There are no decent flight simulators in the area, so this would be the best option to at least maintain some level of currency rather than waiting for 3 or 4 months to start all over again. Thanks for any guidance you could offer. I just want to be sure to be safe and legal for both myself and the CFII that Iwould ask to help.
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