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ATP written

Asked by: 8581 views FAA Regulations

So I have 1200+ hours and I fly everyday [weather permitting] so I am feeling like I should bang out that ATP written this summer. The big dilemma: 135 or 121? or both? [airplane] I don't praticularly care for the airlines, but I figured I would gather some facts and/or opinions first. 

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 02, 2012

    Why would you do both?  You only need to pass one of the tests.
    More than 180 pages of 121 regs, versus 130 pages of 135 regs.
    More complex airplane for 121 questions.
    One would think that the 121 test is offered for people who have been working in a 121 company and are more familiar with 121.
    Make it easy on yourself and take the 135 test.

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Apr 05, 2012

    In my opinion it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other. When I took the ATP the 121 questions were about airplanes you’re unlikely to fly (a lot of stuff on the DC-9 for example), and unless you’re actively flying Part 135 in the airplanes picked for that test you’ve still got to learn all the stuff anyway.
    So – Kris till makes a good point – if you’re flying Part 135, take take that version, if you’re flying 121 take that version (although you may or may not be surprised at how many Part 121 captains would struggle to answer basic ATP questions – but they already passsed 🙂 ). If you’re not flying either and you’re going to have to learn the appropriate stuff for the planes on the test take the one that interests you. I *think* I took the Part 121 one because it was more interesting to learn about jets (but I may be glamorising the whole thing, it’s been a while).

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  3. Curtis Ide on Apr 12, 2012

    If you are actively employed at a Part 135 (except on-demand) company or a Part 121 company within the 24 months of taking the appropriate ATP test then your test essentially doesn’t expire as long as you continue to stay employed.  The FAA words it a little backwards saying they may except an expired test if…  See paragraph 65 Ch.2 Sect 1. of the FSIMS.  Otherwise as stated above if you plan on going to take the ATP training soon at a flight school it doesn’t matter which one you take.
    FSIMS link

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  4. Lucas on Apr 14, 2012

    Both tests are very similar.
    I have been developing software to help with passing written exams and have started some time ago with the ATP written (which has had recently most of its questions changed and not published).
    The companies who like and use my software have asked me to develop the 121 ATP because apparently it is the most sought after. That said I took the ATP 135 10 years ago when it was my turn to go at it.
    There aren’t many differences between the 2 just some FARs and the airplanes you deal with (which, by the way, you don’t have to know in and out).
    If you like feel free to download our beta trial version of the ATP 121 from http://passfaaexams.com/ which deals with performance and airplane sheets so you can get a feel for what is required.
    The course should be fully available by the end of May 2012.
    Good luck and stay safe.

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  5. CSIP CFII on Apr 17, 2012

    What about if you work for a FBO with a 135 charter certificate and are on it, but are thinking of leaving for an regional airline (121) soon, that requires a ATP written to apply?  Should I take the 135 since that is what I know, or should I take the 121 since I want to apply to a few regional airlines?  Would an airline that operates under 121 even care if you take the test part 135? 

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