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3 Answers

training for pilot student –passenger briefing in force landing

Asked by: 5592 views Student Pilot

dear instructors online,I am a pilot student,I am still not sure about the passenger briefing in force landing could  anyone of you give me an example about that,please?Thank you very much!

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3 Answers

  1. Bill Trussell on Apr 02, 2012

    Such a briefing should be handled with care as to not scare your passengers.  I would include what you would do and what you expect of them.  You can let them know that you will be the one to open the door, in the event of a single door on your side.  On your instruction they would release their seat belts and follow you out, and in what order.  This would serve as a preflight briefing.
    Your objective should be clear in your instructions, get out and move away from the aircraft if possible.  Of course it is not possible to take into account all situations.  A more complete briefing would be done prior to the forced landing event should it occur.

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  2. Micah on Apr 02, 2012

    In large part this discussion occurs before the flight, during your preflight briefing. That’s when you instruct someone on basic operations, like how to operate the doors and windows and seat belts, how the seats change position or slide on the rails, how the headsets work and what kinds of actions you don’t want them to take (grabbing the yoke, pushing buttons, etc.). You should set the mood early and provide basic instructions that incorporate your passenger(s).
    When an in-flight emergency occurs you then respond to that emergency but also communicate with your passengers. Your calm and clear communication should go a long way toward making them feel at ease (relatively); you don’t want this to be the first time you’ve mentioned to them how to open the door, etc., but this is a time for reminder, instruction, and (given the opportunity) for you to respond to passenger questions.

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  3. Jim Foley on Apr 02, 2012

    In addition to what Bill and Micah have said, I also show point out the fire extinguisher, rear baggage door (incase the main dors cannot be opened), and show the emergency checklist.  I will use them to free up my hands and read the checklist items for me.  While I preflight, I have the right-seat pax read over the emergency section.  In the event of an actual emergency, I go over how I want them to read it, being that I sill say the emergency to read and have them go one item at a time, and wait for a response from me:
    PIC: “Engine fire in flight, read checklist.”
    PAX: “Mixture idle cut-off”
    PIC: “Miixture idle cut-off”
    PAX: “Fule selector valve off”
    PIC: “Fuel selector valve off”
    PAX: “Engine fire in flight complete, reading forced landing without power.”

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