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8 Answers

Back 2 flying & 1st time teaching

Asked by: 4124 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor


Just signed up to the site and it is my first posting and many more to come.  It has been almost four years since my CFI ticket(8/2008). I recently started flying again late last year after taking some time off while going to college.  I have finished college now and looking to get back into flying again.  I got my BFR done this January and soon to be landing a PT CFI job at a local FBO along with a independent CFI gig.  I am very anxious, nervous, kinda scared, but at the same time excited, motivated and dedicated.  On my spare time, i have been reading materials and trying to re-acquited as much as possible along with flying lessons to get my stick and rudder skills back.  With that said, i have few questions/concerns on the independent cfi gig. 

-Is it legal to give flight instruction to an individual in my friends cessna 152?

{scenario for question}

The plane has commercial insurance along with all the required documents and inspections up-to-date. (More details, lets say JOHN is the student wanting to get his private.  My friend MIKE owns the cessna 152(does not belong to a flight school nor a flying club).  And I myself as a independent CFI teach JOHN in MIKE's airplane. i.e. $130/hour for instructions.  MIKE gets $100 and i get $30. Is this legal? 

Also, can i give introductory flights in the scenario above?  How would i log the flight time?

Thank you in advance.  

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8 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Apr 01, 2012

    N may be a little harsh, but I can understand his frustration with your question because someone who is an instructor should not need to ask it. 


    As a commercial pilot and a CFI, what you charge for instruction is your business as far as the FAA is concerned.  To be legal to provide instruction to a student pilot, you must hold a current medical and be current and qualified to act as PIC of the aircraft as well as hold both pilot and flight instructor certificates with the ratings needed to provide instruction in the aircraft. For instructing in a C152, those would be a Commercial with an ASEL rating and a CFI ASEL.  Insurance is a civil matter and does not concern the FAA.  Study parts 61 and 91 of the regulations and comply with those regulations. You will need to learn them in order to provide your student quality instruction.

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  2. Nathan Parker on Apr 01, 2012

    NEWCFI4LIFE’s question isn’t any different from that of thousands of other instructors who either ask around at their flight school or on forums such as this.  Part 61 and 91 alone aren’t enough to answer the question.  It’s far worse, in my opinion, to belittle someone for seeking knowledge than it is to be the seeker of knowledge.
    One thing to point out in the scenario he describes is that he will apparently be supplying the airplane and flight instructor to his student, so the aircraft will require 100 inspections, unless his student is the one that establishes the relationship with the airplane owner.  In the latter case, he probably wouldn’t be able to give intro flights.

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  3. Nathan Parker on Apr 01, 2012

    “100 inspections,”
    Hmm, that’s “100 hour inspections”.

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  4. Bill Trussell on Apr 02, 2012

    To complete the answer to the question, you would log any time as an instructor as “dual given” complete with endorsement of the student log book, including your name, CFI certificate number, date and expiration date of your CFI certificate.  This would include your introductory flights.

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  5. Earl Kessler on Apr 02, 2012

    I am sorry, but I agree with John.  This is not the forum to belittle anyone. I feel that you shut down communications and the only dumb questions are the ones that are unasked. Every one of us started from scratch and if you didn’t make a few bone headed mistakes, you may qualify for sainthood.

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  6. n on Apr 03, 2012

    Nice job censoring!   lest we offend anyone right!

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  7. NEWCFI4LIFE on Apr 03, 2012

    Thank you for all your inputs including “N”.  The reason i asked what that i had conflicting answers for the first question.  I should have worded the second question correctly, but anyhow i have found my answer. 

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  8. NEWCFI4LIFE on Apr 03, 2012

    By the way, F.Y.I.
    I am going to be working on my Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument rating this summer.  Wish me luck “N”.

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