Back 2 flying & 1st time teaching
Asked by: NEWCFI4LIFE 4124 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Just signed up to the site and it is my first posting and many more to come. It has been almost four years since my CFI ticket(8/2008). I recently started flying again late last year after taking some time off while going to college. I have finished college now and looking to get back into flying again. I got my BFR done this January and soon to be landing a PT CFI job at a local FBO along with a independent CFI gig. I am very anxious, nervous, kinda scared, but at the same time excited, motivated and dedicated. On my spare time, i have been reading materials and trying to re-acquited as much as possible along with flying lessons to get my stick and rudder skills back. With that said, i have few questions/concerns on the independent cfi gig.
-Is it legal to give flight instruction to an individual in my friends cessna 152?
{scenario for question}
The plane has commercial insurance along with all the required documents and inspections up-to-date. (More details, lets say JOHN is the student wanting to get his private. My friend MIKE owns the cessna 152(does not belong to a flight school nor a flying club). And I myself as a independent CFI teach JOHN in MIKE's airplane. i.e. $130/hour for instructions. MIKE gets $100 and i get $30. Is this legal?
Also, can i give introductory flights in the scenario above? How would i log the flight time?
Thank you in advance.
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