Amphibious Requirements
Asked by: Lance 6014 views Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot
I was talking with a fellow instructor the other day and we got to the topic of amphibious aircraft. This led to the question: I am single engine land & sea and multi engine land rated, so obviously I do not have privledges to fly a multi engine sea airplane. However, theoretically I come by a Grumman Widgeon and want to fly it. Would I be legal to fly it as long as I restricted myself to only land operations? And the oposite situation, what if I only had a multi engine sea rating (no land rating) could I fly it as long as I restricted myself to only water landings? Or to fly an amphibious aircraft are you required to hold both land and sea ratings?
We came to the conclusion that you should have both, and if you had access to the aircraft, might as well go get your rating so there is no question about it. We couldn't find any regulation that stated one way or the other though.
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