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5 Answers

What is your opinion on the proposed 1,500hr rule? Safer? Better or worse for pilots/passengers?

Asked by: 4688 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot

Too bad by the time this passes I will already have 1,500hrs anyway but I do have a BS in Aviation Science already...



Would be neat to get the ATP at 1,000hrs could have had it already.. Still I wonder if this will make the sad situation of FOs making 18k a year worse or better.. I could already be working for the airlines, if I could afford the pay cut, lol. Think I'll stick to instructing.

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5 Answers

  1. Bill Trussell on Mar 01, 2012

    This is a rule change with very good intentions but will end up poorly executed in my opinion.  The rule is intended to force part 121 operators to have the FO be qualified and certificated as an ATP.  This is good for passengers but bad for pilots lucky enough to get hired by a part 121 operator prior to getting their ATP.
    The suggested training is not ideal in my opinion given that most 121 operators do type specific training so doing sym work to get an intitial ATP is redundant in my opinion.   That said, all training is generally good if well executed.
    The downside to this is more time to climb up the career ladder.

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  2. Gary Moore on Mar 01, 2012

    Well – since this is only an opinion 🙂 I’ll chime in…..
    I’ve always thought a required hours target for most anything aviation related is just taking the easy way out for the industry.  We should certify pilots (for licenses, ratings, or job position) by skill and ability rather than by hours logged.  I’ve seen 200 hour pilots that were extremely proficient and talented and I’ve seen 30,000 hour retired airline pilots that simply shouldn’t be flying.
    Number of hours is only one measure of experience, and in my view, not the best one.  But it’s easy to manage.  Judging competency and skill takes much more time and resources. 

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  3. n on Mar 12, 2012

     Hours are not all that great of a indicator of skills.
     When someone is hired on it’s just the start, they are not hurled into a plane the day after and allowed to just jump on the line. The people who suck then to get washed out (95% of the time), so this 1500hr thing is pointless, waste of ink. Also how many folks are hired on a mins anyways!

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  4. Derek Schwalenberg on Mar 12, 2012

    Yeah the rule supposedly is in response to the Colgan Air crash where the pilots had like 3000+ hours or something.. I think fatigue was a big part of it though. The FO flew jumpseat from like Washington state just for that little commuter flight from Newark to [almost] Buffalo. They seem to be sideskirting the real issues like the conditions for the pilots. Getting paid less than working part-time in a fast food restaurant can’t help either. I guess as long as pilots are willing [not me] to work for so cheap and commute halfway across the country before even starting there shift than they will continue to pay less and demand just as much. I suppose if the 1500hr rule empties out the pool of candidates a bit maybe it will become a job worth something more than a warm body.

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  5. Matthew Waugh on Mar 12, 2012

    The only thing the rule MIGHT do is restrict the pool of pilots and force airlines to actually pay a reasonable wage.
    However – the commuting privilege is a cherished privilege – and unless airline basing gets more stable (and even then there’s other reasons pilots commute) it’s not going away. THAT was the core reason for the Colgan crash. High cost of living in Newark, so both pilots lived outside base and commuted in. Making people get 1500 hours ain’t gonna fix that cost of living in Newark.

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