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4 Answers

Aircraft Flight Manual for a 1969 C-172

Asked by: 10502 views FAA Regulations

Is an Aircraft Flight Manual, part of a 1969 Model C-172K aircrafts, paperwork.

Not an Owners Manual, or a POH, that wasn't mandated until 1975 I believe.

My question is an AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL, that would be specific to that individual airframe only.

Thanks in advance!



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4 Answers

  1. John D. Collins on Feb 10, 2012

    I don’t remember a separate AFM for the Cessnas I owned from that vintage.  There was a separate document with the equipment list as the aircraft came from the factory.  I only recall the Owner’s Manual and it wasn’t specific to the N number.  The C172 TCDS has the following statements in it in the section common to all aircraft:
    “The basic required equipment as prescribed in the applicable airworthiness requirements (see Certification Basis) must be installed in the aircraft for certification. This equipment must include a current Airplane Flight Manual effective S/N 17271035 and on.”

    “C172K – This airplane must be operated in compliance with the operating limitations stated in the form of placards, markings, and manuals.”

    The serial number is the first one for the 1979 model year.

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  2. Jeff Abrams on Feb 10, 2012

    Thanks John,
    I don’t remember seeing a real AFM either back then, but I operate a 1965 Cherokee that does have a pretty extensive AFM for that individual airplane (I know it’s a Piper, not a Cessna).
    My friend has the 1969 C-172, and we are trying to figure if anything is missing?
    As stated in my original question, the POH wasn’t invented at that time and I know the Owners Manual was “popular” then, but we are just wondering if it is truely controlling, for each individual aircraft, by FAA regulation?
    By Equipment List, I am assuming you are referring to part of the Weight & Balance document, which of course is a separate part of the Required on board paperwork?
    Thanks again and anyone else have some input ?????

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  3. John D. Collins on Feb 10, 2012

    A POH is not required for the 69 C172K. It was not part of the required documentation when the aircraft was manufactured.  Only an AD could amend this and there isn’t an AD requiring a POH for this aircraft. Cessna doesn’t require the POH for this serial number and even if they did as many other manufactures did in their TCDS updates, it is not binding.  It is well established that the manufacturer cannot require any documents that were not originally required at the time of manufacture unless there is an AD that requires it.  Some IA’s will erroneously claim that the latest version of a POH is required for airworthiness, but this is in direct conflict with the stated FAA Policy on the subject.  See



    It states in part:


    7. TCDS.

    Consistent with 14 CFR, a TCDS is part of a product’s type certificate (TC). A TCDS is a summary of the product’s type design. It is used primarily by authorized persons during initial or recurrent issuance of a Standard Airworthiness Certificate. It is neither a regulation, a maintenance requirements document, or a flight manual document. As such, for aircraft holding a valid and current airworthiness certificate, a TCDS should not be used as a sole source to determine what maintenance is required or what the flight operations requirements are. Any language on a TCDS, by itself, is not regulatory and is simply not enforceable. There must be a corresponding rule to make any language on the TCDS mandatory. For example, there is a mention of “operating limitations” on most TCDS. The corresponding rule for “operating limitations” is 14 CFR § 91.9(a) which states, “Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, no person may operate a civil aircraft without complying with the operating limitations specified in the approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual, markings, and placards, or as otherwise prescribed by the certificating authority of the country of registry.” Without § 91.9, the TCDS requirement to comply with operating limitations would not be enforceable.

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  4. fred huston on Feb 24, 2013

    i have a 1963 cherokee 180 i would like to know if my piper cherokee b owners handbook is good for the arow rule also my airworthiness certificate is laminated is that legal

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