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1 Answers

iPad Radio Navigation Simulator – Useful for IFR training?

Asked by: 5871 views ,
Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

Are iPad/iPhone simulators, such as this newly released Radio Navigation Simulator (see link below), a useful part of a radio navigation training syllabus?

Could they be used alone by students, or should they also be used in conjunction with an instructor?




1 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Bill Trussell on Feb 07, 2012

    Most simulators are useful as I am sure this one is as well.  The issue is the utility varies based on the student’s knowledge and skills or gaps in those skills and knowledgebase.  Most certainly your instructor should be consulted on the utility of such tools so that at least he/she is aware of how you are augmenting the learning process that goes on throughout your flight training.
    I would have your instructor look over the documentation prior to purchasing the application so that you do not waste your money on something that you do not need.
    Simulators are great tools when they are type specific also.  This affords you the opportunity to practice on what you will be using, like a G1000 or other Garmin products as an example.  I encourage all my students to use the 420 simulator on their computers.  It is a good replication of the actual functionality and it helps when you get in the plane.

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