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5 Answers

Logging Instruction, but not PIC/SIC

Asked by: 12044 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor

Can a CFI/CFII opt not to log PIC or SIC time, while still logging instructor time, when conducting a flight review or IPC on a non-N-reg aircraft?

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5 Answers

  1. BC on Feb 05, 2012

    An aircraft has to have a PIC. If the “student” is qualified in the plane, they can log PIC time and assume the responsibilities. The instructor may also log PIC, or not. It depends on why the instructor doesn’t want to log the PIC time. It could be due to an expired medical, insurance matters, fear of a violation, etc. Now it starts to get into the realm of aviation lawyers. It’s probably better to write to the lawyer who writes for AOPA magazine with a specific situation that you need an answer to. In any case, someone has to be qualified on the plane and act as  PIC. That’s about the best i can do without more details. And if there are a lot of details, ask someone at AOPA. Also, your question is not about logging the time (no one has to log it). It has more to do with who has the PIC responsibilities, logged or not. Basically, who gets the blame when things go wrong.

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  2. Wes Beard on Feb 05, 2012

    BC is correct in that the CFI does not have to log the time as PIC.  If they are giving instruction they are required to sign the logbook of the pilot they gave instruction to.  (§ 61.189).  I will always make sure the flight time matches what the FARs require for an additional rating or recency of experience.
    It does not matter if the CFI logs PIC time or not, if an incident or accident occurs they will be held responsible regardless if they are capable of acting as the pilot in command (ie no medical).  The NTSB has reaffirmed that the more experienced pilot should step in when they see something amiss in the interest of safety.
    All this is specifically for a FAA certificated CFI flying a U.S. registered airplane.  In your specific situation, a non-U.S. registered airplane flown in the U.S. shoud follow the rules above.  If you are flying a non-U.S. registered airplane outside the U.S. you must follow the rules of that country.

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  3. Gary Moore on Feb 05, 2012

    You can log whatever you want – or you can not log whatever you want.  All you are required to do is show evidence that you meet the FAA required experience.  There is no requirement that you log every hour you fly.  Like BC said – there is a big difference between logging time and acting as PIC…

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  4. Charlie4ib on Feb 06, 2012

    Thanks for all the replies. It is a rather complex situation which I have tried to boil down to a single question.I am trying to conduct an IPC on an FAA certificated Commercial pilot in Europe, on a European registered aircraft. In Europe (as opposed to the US), only one pilot may log PIC – namely the PIC. SIC time is reserved for multi-pilot certified aircraft. Simultaneously, I may not log instructor time in my local logbook, as I am not a JAA/EASA instructor. Also, I may not act as PIC on this flight, as my student is renting the aircraft from his local flying club. In a JAA/EASA/European view, I am solely a safety pilot on this flight, and may not log any of the time. However, to make sure my records match my student’s, I want to log the flight in my US logbook. As a result, I am thinking that I should not log the PIC time, but only the instruction time.This is really lawyer fodder, but I thought I would throw it out there and see what responses I got. Thanks!

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  5. BC on Feb 06, 2012

    Well, it looks like your student may receive his IPC from you and he can log the PIC time. You can log instructor time and total time. To make everything match, you could log “other/FE” time (as safety pilot) or SIC time. True, the aircraft doesn’t require a second crewmember (SIC), but the “flight operation” might, since the PIC is required and you, the instructor, are also required. Either way, it looks like you can get the job done.

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