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2 Answers

Flight Instructor FAA knowledge Test

Asked by: 7085 views Flight Instructor, Student Pilot

I am a low time commercial pilot looking to obtain the CFI rating.  What prepware would you recommend to study for the knowledge tests and is there still an issue with questions appearing on the test that have not been published?  Also, do the published questions have the same answer order as the actual FAA exam?  (In other words, can difficult questions be memorized?)

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2 Answers

  1. n on Jan 09, 2012

     Average a high 80% on webexams and you shouldn’t have a issue with the written.
     For study stuff, I like the King videos (most are on youtube if you want to be froogle about it), I also liked Wikipedia for some of the FOI stuff.

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  2. Bill Trussell on Jan 10, 2012

    Like most life learning exercises the right answer depends upon your learning style.  At one point in time the FOI part of the CFI knowledge testing was deemed the hardest to “pass” given that some of the topics covered in the exam are far from technical and deal with how humans learn.  To some pilots this stuff seems very arbitrary and has led some to think that the just have to memorize the answers in order to pass the knowledge test.  While this can be done with a good study guide it is not the recommended method for someone wanting to instruct.
    I have found that a good study guide, of which there are many on the market, with additional guidance from a good instructor, is the best combination.  Certainly multimedia presentations will fruther add to your understanding but always asking “why?” when you go through this material yields interesting results.  Why would the FAA consider this material to be important?  Why would students be that different in their learning styles? I would not be worried about “unpublished questions”.  If  you know the material the questions will virtually answer themselves.  You may also face this scenario on the oral portion of the practical test as many examiners have many different ways of asking the same questions.
    Perhaps start here for sources or ideas for study materials:

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