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2 Answers

Manifold & RPM on Aztec

Asked by: 5521 views Aircraft Systems

Hi, any Aztec  or mel instructors happen to know the zero thrust manifold and rpm settings on a 250hp Aztec used in training?

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2 Answers

  1. Nathan Parker on Dec 19, 2011

    I find such published settings of limited value; they’re only accurate for one airspeed and density altitude, if they’re accurate at all. 
    What I find more useful is to set the thrust to the minimum setting that will allow the airplane to maintain altitude, because this will encourage the student to develop the finest technique.  An Aztec with only two people on board probably has good performance even with one engine truly feathered, so good technique really isn’t needed to fly such a plane.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Dec 21, 2011

    I have scanned a chart from a Cessna 310 POH which gives RPM to use for varying conditions of temperature, altitude and indicated airspeed.  It is predicated upon the prop control being full forward (on the low pitch stops).  I could not insert the PDF image into this reply and could not find an email address in your profile.  Also didn’t see a way to upload it to the library.  If you give me an email address, I will send you the PDF file.
    Once you pick a setting based upon the table, you can check it by performing a drag demo using that setting and comparing it to a drag demo with one feathered.  Once you establish a baseline, the chart should be more useful.
    The RPM for the Aztec shouldn’t be too different from the numbers for the 310 as the low pitch stops on the props are likely to be similar.

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